Sunday, November 5, 2017

Winding down

After church last week, three young women were baptized. The water was clearly not heated, but the Spirit accompanied and warmed all who attended.

The two on the left below were baptized. The "sweety" on the right is a friend and too young for the event.

Missionaries were joyful for all who came.

School update:
We were able to teach twice last week before rain came. The kids are aware that we are leaving soon and asking lots of questions. Since missionaries come and go every 18 months or so, they are accustomed to the event but clearly affected by the transition.

Had to get a picture of mother and foal. The kids thought the baby was only a few weeks old.

Victoria, daughter of Yuca, was bored one afternoon when her family was visiting. She didn't want to observe siesta with her mother, and so she came over for Uno and Phase Ten. We will miss this fun loving girl! Even though our visits were rare, we feel like we got to know her quite well.

Los Perales:
Vero finished the blouse for Meli. It turned out terrific.

She also added trimming to the skirt and vest and wanted us to see the finished results.

Vanesa had a vest cut out for Mateo before we arrived.

After a few hours of concentrated work by Vanesa....

 and some English classes with the kids

....She had a finished project

On the way home from Los Perales, we picked up Vale and Mariela AND a new puppy.

On the way home from school one day, we ran into the sheep on their way to somewhere important.

We took pictures as the herd passed us.

We marvel at the trained dogs. They bring up the last of the herd watching for any who get side tracked while the sheep herder leads the group. Amazing that the dogs are so smart.

One day, we only had two boys for class.

Part way through class, the power flickered on and off multiple times. Rain was predicted for the afternoon but appeared hours away. However, with inconsistent electricity, we decided to take the kids home anyway. By the time we got back, it was sprinkling and within ten minutes we were in a down pore. Once again, we realized the flickering power was not an inconvenience but rather a warning to act.

Later that day we caught this picture of the storm moving toward Feliciano. Note the bright light at the horizon and the dark clouds moving it into oblivion.

The wet week meant more piano practice. Gregg is improving his sight reading in leaps and bounds. It's fun to listen to the loros (parrots), mimicking the sweet sounds of the piano as we practice.

Four Elders joined us for lunch on Sunday. You should have seen them all squished in the back of the pickup.

They took some of our extra food home with them. They were ecstatic especially for the free meat.

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