Sunday, September 3, 2017

Business as Usual

One morning, we saw this leach crawling on the OUTSIDE kitchen window.

Here it is again as Gregg is putting on his rubber boots.

We didn't know for sure what it was until Gregg sprayed to remove it. As it fell to the ground, we recognized it for what it was and was happy that these types of critters are no longer able to find their way into the house thanks to the many rolls of tape, caulking, and cement patch that have filled the holes.

Los Perales:
We were able to go to Los Perales this week. It was the only time this month that we were able to go. Two Wednesdays the roads were too muddy, one Wednesday our truck was being repaired, and the two Fridays that were suppose to be make-up days were either unexpectedly muddy or Ruben wanted to repair the truck again.

So finally, we were able to help the chicas with their new projects. Carina is working on slippers for her boys. I used her daughter's slipper for a pattern and cut it down to make two different sizes.

Vero is making a double thick jacket for her 12 year old son.

On the way home from Los Perales, we took this picture of the sunset. It's so beautiful, we can't stop ourselves from taking more pictures.

Wednesday, we came home from Los Perales to find the internet workers putting the antenna on our roof. Finally! The miracle of the whole internet story is that we had a connection as often as we did. We have had problems since last February when the office was shut down for renovation. Sometimes it miraculously worked and other times for no explanation, it didn't. We are thrilled for the new missionaries that shouldn't have to struggle with the isolation of being cut off from the world. That's a big-time bummer.

Hallelujah! This man is our hero!

Friday, we went to Feliciano to bring home two high school kids back to their families on the ranch. Remember, during high school years, the kids are boarded in town so that school can be more consistent.

Anyway, German noticed that our tire was low when we picked him up. He was the one that caught the problem several months ago as well. We drove to the closest gomeria but the tire was already ruined.

Below, German, and David wait and watch patiently as their friend's father works on the replacement. Aren't they smart looking Argentine boys! Love the red tie and gorro hat on David.

The gomerias don't have many tools, but enough to do the job. We need an open pipe used for better leverage, and some kind of mallet like you see below. Without those tools, we are useless. We're going to ask for them at the Ferreteria Commercial in Federal. They too have been our heroes in getting us the tools and supplies we need.

Ancient cars:
Don't you love these beauties? Sorry though...they aren't for sale.

Sister Cerno on the left, below is being transferred to Concordia this week. She has been in Feliciano about 4 months, and we think the world of her. Our goodbyes include, "Have a good life!" What are the chances we'll ever see them again? It makes parting extra hard.

Office update:
Yuca and Ruben are moving back into the renovated office. The internet antenna on our roof, was the capstone and the men started moving their stuff back into the completed beautiful building.

We'll have to show you pictures of the inside next week since it's Sunday today and the office takes the day off.

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