Sunday, July 2, 2017

Rain and mud--Stay home and read

As you guessed from today's heading, we were not much help at the ranch this week. Monday was a normal full day, and we took the kids to school on Wednesday. However, the rest of the week was a wash due to rain.

We made it a good week for us by practicing piano and flute, working on the ideal floor plan just in case we decide to build a new home some day, and most importantly, reading with gusto. Amy is reading a series of books by Gerald Lund called Fire and Steel. It makes her appreciate the time and country she was raised in. Gregg reads all the time too. His favorite this week was Shades of Gray by Rachel Ann Nunes.

We got one traditional photo shot of the cows this week. Amy waits at the last gate while Gregg runs the last stretch to pick- up kids at their home. While waiting for Gregg, the cows stare in amazement at a human in their territory that for the time being has made no demands on them. The picture below just has the stare of two cows, but often the whole herd of 15-20 are stunned into staring.

All- the- while they are also chewing their cud with some food dangling out of their mouths. They keep us amused as we're waiting to close the gate behind us.

Gregg's thoughts on adversity:
"The Reward of Enduring Well" by President Henry B Eyring First Counselor in the First Presidency of the LDS Cuhurch (Mormons).
"We all have trials to face--at times, very difficult trials. We know that the Lord allows us to go through trials in order for us to be polished and perfected so we can be with Him forever."
Joseph Smith taught that the "reward for enduring His trials well would help qualify him for eternal life (life with God)."
Life is full of trials that beat upon us incessantly. We may find ourselves surrounded with pornographic images, friends with entirely different values, unemployment or underemployment, failing health, not enough money to make ends meet, schools who do not have our kids best interest, and no close friend with whom we can share confidences.
"But a loving God has not set such tests before us simply to see if we can endure difficulty but rather to see if we can endure them well and so become polished."
"Our trials and difficulties give us the opportunity to learn and grow, and they may even change our very nature. If we can turn to the Savor in our extremity, our souls can be polished as we endure."
"Therefore, the first thing to remember is to pray always. The second thing is to strive continuously to keep the commandments--whatever the opposition, the temptation, or the tumult around us. The third crucial thing is to serve the Lord."
Many have given service and perhaps, felt that there were changes within themselves. The temptation to do wrong seemed to abate and the desire to do good increased. Someone you love may have said: "You have changed. You seem kinder and more patient. You do not seem to be the same person."
We are promised that the Lord will come to our aid if we serve others (thereby serving Him) and your soul will be polished in the process. Our trials will become less arduous if we allow the Lord to help carry the YOKE and we trust in Him with all our adversities.
I believe that if we can be polished towards perfection, we can one day return to live with Him.

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