Sunday, October 23, 2016

More Spring Rain

Una Adventura:

This week's potential disaster came out of the blue (no pun intended….okay maybe it was a little intended) so we’ll thank you in advance for your prayers. We had a week of rain so heavy that we hadn’t been able to go anywhere. When it finally stopped, and we had a couple of days to dry out, we headed for Federal to get groceries and more paint supplies.  As we left the ranch, the roads were dry but the drainage on the sides of the dirt roads were full of water. Clearly the heavens had opened and a great deal of water had collected.

We innocently took the shorter route to Federal not knowing the disaster in front of us. As we circled around a blind corner, we saw that the road ahead was covered with moving water. It looked only a foot or so deep and no more than 20-30 feet across so we forged ahead. However even with the four-wheel drive engaged, the mud was sluggish and the truck began to slow and slip. Soon we felt the tires as they gripped the grating that was surely the bridge underneath us. Our spirits lifted as the truck picked up speed. However, the road continued to circle and our view ahead was not pleasant. 

The crossing was not 20-30 feet like we first thought but more like 300 feet and we didn’t know how deep it would get before getting to dry ground. It was certainly too late to turn back so we continued strong but not fast.

Somehow we made it through to dry ground and had no other problems. We don’t want to guess how deep it was but acknowledge the blessing in our safety. We could have easily been swept down stream. Needless to say, we went home the longer route. You should have seen Yuca’s face when we reported our plight for the day. He advised that we never ever go that route after a rain. I think we learned our lesson.

Some sweetness:
Some have asked what we eat here. Dulce De Leche is usually on the list. Here you see us spreading it on a cookie. It is sweet caramelized milk that can become quite addicting.

Home Repair
So here is a good idea for repairing cracks. Looks like a roll of toilet paper below...right?"
Well actually, it is much stronger than paper. You use paint underneath it like glue and more paint on top to make it disappear. It may not be as smooth a finish as you get with drywall mud, but so much easier, cheaper, and cleaner.

Some cracks almost disappeared entirely while others can barely be seen. Most importantly when we sweep the floor, we don't see pieces of wall on the floor anymore. The good news for Amy is that there are fewer places for aranas (spiders) to hide.
Much better don't you think?

We bought the primary colors, red, yellow, and blue, to match colors for tile around the house.
We'll show you the finished products later since were not quite finished but pay attention in your art classes. You never know what skills you're going to need.

Hunting for Bird's Nests
We took the kids to school one day this week. On the way home the kids wanted to stop and look for bird's nests. We knew they were close by due to the mothers swooping and scolding.
Que lastima (too bad) luck !

What do you do when you just need a couple more inches to reach that high corner?
That's right... you put a four inch block on the top step.   Ahhhh. got it!

After our trip to Federal and observing spring blooms along the route, we decided to bring a few transplants home. This planter box had been a favorite digging spot for the dog and chickens so before planting we buried old metal pipes that were going to go to the trash. The animals now leave the spot alone so the plants may have a half a chance.
View from the learning center

We finished the majority of the painting on Saturday. Rain is predicted again on Tuesday so we plan to finish touching up the tile and repairing one of the bathrooms. Unless the rain stops, we'll have to think of some other project. Amy is good at that so not to worry.  :)

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